Emission Nebula Sh2-115 - AR 20h 32m 42s DEC +47° 03' 53"
Date/Place2014-07-31 at Tortorici (ME)
ScopeTakahashi FSQ85ED
IntegrationRGB-Ha-OIII composition.
RGB: 9x600 sec. for each filter, bin 1
H-alpha: 10x1200 sec., bin 1
OIII: 10x1800 sec., bin 1
CCD Temp.: -15°C
CommentImaged with the focal reducer.
It is possible to see also the planetary nebula Abell 71 (see crop). This faint emission nebula lies along the edge of one of the outer Milky Way's giant molecular clouds, about 7500 light-years away. The nebular glow is powered by hot stars in star cluster Berkeley 90. The cluster stars are likely only 100 million years old or so and are still embedded in Sh2-115. But the stars' strong winds and radiation have cleared away much of their dusty, natal cloud. (Text adapted from APOD)